January 30, 2018 water depth measurements ## Contact: danica.schaffer.smith@duke.edu ## Description: This collection contains water depth information, which can be used to assess habitat suitability for shorebirds within two different habitat types: ## 1) Managed wetlands (February 2015 - May 2016) Water depth was measured in 24 wetlands scattered throughout the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex. A readme file contains information about wetland water depth and elevation data collection methods. wetland_site_names.txt contains a list of the site names and their abbreviations. wetland_water_depth_locations.kml shows the position of each wetland water depth sensor. The following files are available for each of the 24 sites: a) A .csv file contains point measurements of water depth collected by a water depth sensor every 4 hours from date it was deployed through May 2016. b) A 5-m digital elevation model (DEM) c) A point shapefile containing the location and ground surface elevation of the sensor. ## 2) Rice fields (Spring 2015, various deployment dates) Water depth was measured in 24 privately owned rice fields across the Sacramento Valley using arrays of ibutton temperature sensors, along with several permanently wet temperature control sites. A readme file contains information about rice field water depth data collection methods. rice_site_names.txt contains a list of each rice site name and its abbreviation. rice_water_depth_locations.kml shows the position of each rice field water depth sensor array, and additional permanent wet control sites. For each rice field site, a .csv file is available containing daily water depth measurements. Rice fields in the Sacramento Valley are nearly level to allow precision water management, therefore no elevation data are required to infer water depth across each field. ## Acknowledgements: This research was supported by a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NNX13AQ15H) and an NSF Geography and Spatial Sciences Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (1459226).