This repository contains raw files for high-throughput, synchronized, multi-view video of populations of three organisms (zebrafish larvae, fruit flies, and harvester ants), freely moving through a >130 cm^2 field of view. These files can be used to computationally reconstruct high-throughput 3D video using our new technique, termed 3D-RAPID. For more information about our method, please see our accompanying publication: "Parallelized computational 3D video microscopy of freely moving organisms at multiple gigapixels per second" ( The files are organized into three folders by organism ("fruit_flies", "zebrafish", "harvester_ants"), each containing the raw video ("") and a calibration file (""). The raw video files are about 50 GB each, comprising 54 synchronized videos of freely behaving organisms, captured at ~5 GB/sec for 10 seconds. The calibration file is a single snapshot from 54 cameras of a flat patterned target, for calibrating the camera parameters. To this end, the "camera_calibration_initial_guess.mat" file is also included to initialize the camera calibration step. For detailed instructions on how to process these files, please see the accompanying 3D-RAPID github repository (, which contains the 3D reconstruction python code.