%% Given the guessed fixed-point values for gI and gII, %% locate the nearby fixed point through Newton's method %% in d spatial dimensions for a given n=number of replica function [gI_star,gII_star,SM]=fixed_point_locater_with_Hessian(n,d,gI_guess,gII_guess,lambda1,lambda2) threshold=10^(-8); % the numerical threshold for Newton's method slowness=1/10; % Newton's method descent applied slowly iteration_max=100000; % stops the process if gone into the numerical abyss %% Combinatorial factors [S,a1,a2]=combinatorial_factors(n); %% Initial seeds gI=gI_guess; gII=gII_guess; gs=[gI;gII]; %% Obtain the fixed point Newton's method iteration_count=0; [betags,~,~]=betas_gammas(d,gs,S,a1,a2,lambda1,lambda2); while (((max(abs(betags))>threshold)) && (iteration_count