The data in this directory generates all of the plots in the paper "The dimensional evolution of structure and dynamics in hard sphere liquids" by P. Charbonneau, Y. Hu, J. Kundu, and P.K. Morse. While self contained, if there are any questions about access, the corresponding author can be reached at Versions of programs used for Data Generation: Python 3.6.4 GCC 7.4.0 pybind11 c++17 Versions of programs used for Data Analysis: MATLAB R2021a The directory structure itself is used to parse data. The structure conforms to UNIX standards using the backslash "/". Attempts have been made in the analysis scripts to be agnostic to the file separation key by using the MATLAB keyword "filesep", however, if any issues arise, this will be the likely culprit. The data generation has been optimized and tested on UNIX systems. While it has been tested on Windows operating systems, modifications to the make file may be necessary, in particular to the linking of pybind11. See documentation of pybind11 for support. The directory is organized as follows: 1) Data 2) Graphing 3) Sample Script 4) monteCarloPCP 1) Data The data here is read by each of the graphing programs. The abbreviations here correspond to their use in the paper. The following key will be useful: dimension (d) - The physical dimension of space number_of_particles (N) - The number of particles in this simulation overlap (a) - Overlap paramater, used as 0.3 throghout. From Eq. 1 in the paper density (rho) - Used as the number density, not the packing fraction The general directory structure for gofr and msd data is as follows overlap/dimension/density/number_of_particles/gofr.dat The general directory structure for hypernetted chain (HNC) and Percus-Yevick (PY) data is as follows HNC/dimension/density/gofr.dat 2) Graphing Each MATLAB function creates a set of the graphs in the paper and the supplement. Data is read automatically if the directory structure is changedd as noted at the top of each function. The following 3 functions generate all necessary data and plots (or pieces of plots, which can then be stitched together): highDStructAndDynamics.m finSizeStructAndDynamics.m PYandHNCStats.m Additionally, several accessory functions are included plotSpecs.m saveascii.m carnahanStarlingFit.m gofrstats.m hyperBallVolume.m padeApproxHSFluid.m 3) Sample Script PY and HNC data is generated from functions which have been borrowed from A. Ikeda as noted in the acknowledgements. A sample script is included which generates the pair correlation and msd data. To run, simply execute the following command: python3 dimension number_of_particles density numR saveFreq numAvgs overlap numTau saveDirectory dimension, number_of_particles, overlap, and density are explained above, otherwise: numR - The number of bins for the pair correlation function g(r) saveFreq - The number of equilibrated runs which should be averaged on each save. Conservatively, this should always be 1, otherwise, one should note the number of averages. numAvgs - The number of equilibrated runs which are desired at a given density numTau - The length of time used to equilibrate in units of tau_alpha. For most of this work, the numTau = 30. saveDirectory - The fully qualified path to the directory where this data should be saved 4) monteCarloPCP monteCarloPCP is the code which generates the packings. It must be made by typing "make clean; make" in the folder monteCarloPCP/Release monteCarloPCP requires pybind11 ( to be included in this base folder, or else the make file must be altered to link directly to the pybind folder. It may also be necessary to locate the python folder and alter the address of it accordingly. As this code is continually developed, an updated version of monteCarloPCP can be obtained from P.K. Morse at Public distribution will be provided via github at a later date.