function options = NoRMCorreSetParms(varargin) % Struct for setting the NoRMCorre algorithm parameters. Any parameter that is % not set gets a default value % Author: Eftychios A. Pnevmatikakis % Simons Foundation, 2016 Names = [ % dataset info 'd1 ' % number of rows 'd2 ' % number of cols 'd3 ' % number of planes (for 3d imaging, default: 1) % patches 'grid_size ' % size of non-overlapping regions (default: [d1,d2,d3]) 'overlap_pre ' % size of overlapping region (default: [32,32,16]) 'min_patch_size ' % minimum size of patch (default: [32,32,16]) 'min_diff ' % minimum difference between patches (default: [16,16,5]) 'us_fac ' % upsampling factor for subpixel registration (default: 20) 'mot_uf ' % degree of patches upsampling (default: [4,4,1]) 'max_dev ' % maximum deviation of patch shift from rigid shift (default: [3,3,1]) 'overlap_post ' % size of overlapping region after upsampling (default: [32,32,16]) 'max_shift ' % maximum rigid shift in each direction (default: [15,15,5]) 'phase_flag ' % flag for using phase correlation (default: false) 'shifts_method ' % method to apply shifts ('FFT','cubic','linear') % template updating 'upd_template ' % flag for online template updating (default: true) 'init_batch ' % length of initial batch (default: 100) 'bin_width ' % width of each bin (default: 200) 'buffer_width ' % number of local means to keep in memory (default: 50) 'method ' % method for averaging the template (default: {'median';'mean}) 'iter ' % number of data passes (default: 1) 'boundary ' % method of boundary treatment 'NaN','copy','zero','template' (default: 'copy') % misc 'add_value ' % add dc value to data (default: 0) 'use_parallel ' % for each frame, update patches in parallel (default: false) 'memmap ' % flag for saving memory mapped motion corrected file (default: false) 'mem_filename ' % name for memory mapped file (default: 'motion_corrected.mat') 'mem_batch_size ' % batch size during memory mapping for speed (default: 5000) 'print_msg ' % flag for printing progress to command line (default: true) % plotting 'plot_flag ' % flag for plotting results in real time (default: false) 'make_avi ' % flag for making movie (default: false) 'name ' % name for movie (default: 'motion_corrected.avi') 'fr ' % frame rate for movie (default: 30) % output type 'output_type ' % 'mat' (load in memory), 'memmap', 'tiff', 'hdf5', 'bin' (default:mat) 'h5_groupname ' % name for hdf5 dataset (default: 'mov') 'h5_filename ' % name for hdf5 saved file (default: 'motion_corrected.h5') 'tiff_filename ' % name for saved tiff stack (default: 'motion_corrected.tif') 'output_filename ' % name for saved file will be used if `h5_,tiff_filename` are not specified % use windowing 'use_windowing ' % flag for windowing data before fft (default: false) 'window_length ' % length of window on each side of the signal as a fraction of signal length % total length = length(signal)(1 + 2*window_length). (default: 0.5) % bitsize for reading .raw files 'bitsize ' % (default: 2 (uint16). other choices 1 (uint8), 4 (single), 8 (double)) % offset from bidirectional sampling 'correct_bidir ' % check for offset due to bidirectional scanning (default: true) 'nFrames ' % number of frames to average (default: 50) 'bidir_us ' % upsampling factor for bidirectional sampling (default: 10) 'col_shift ' % known bi-directional offset provided by the user (default: []) ]; [m,n] = size(Names); names = lower(Names); % Combine all leading options structures o1, o2, ... in l1Set(o1,o2,...). options = []; for j = 1:m eval(['options.' Names(j,:) '= [];']); end i = 1; while i <= nargin arg = varargin{i}; if ischar(arg), break; end if ~isempty(arg) % [] is a valid options argument if ~isa(arg,'struct') error(sprintf(['Expected argument %d to be a string parameter name ' ... 'or an options structure\ncreated with OPTIMSET.'], i)); end for j = 1:m if any(strcmp(fieldnames(arg),deblank(Names(j,:)))) eval(['val = arg.' Names(j,:) ';']); else val = []; end if ~isempty(val) eval(['options.' Names(j,:) '= val;']); end end end i = i + 1; end % A finite state machine to parse name-value pairs. if rem(nargin-i+1,2) ~= 0 error('Arguments must occur in name-value pairs.'); end expectval = 0; % start expecting a name, not a value while i <= nargin arg = varargin{i}; if ~expectval if ~ischar(arg) error(sprintf('Expected argument %d to be a string parameter name.', i)); end lowArg = lower(arg); j = strmatch(lowArg,names); if isempty(j) % if no matches error(sprintf('Unrecognized parameter name ''%s''.', arg)); elseif length(j) > 1 % if more than one match % Check for any exact matches (in case any names are subsets of others) k = strmatch(lowArg,names,'exact'); if length(k) == 1 j = k; else msg = sprintf('Ambiguous parameter name ''%s'' ', arg); msg = [msg '(' deblank(Names(j(1),:))]; for k = j(2:length(j))' msg = [msg ', ' deblank(Names(k,:))]; end msg = sprintf('%s).', msg); error(msg); end end expectval = 1; % we expect a value next else eval(['options.' Names(j,:) '= arg;']); expectval = 0; end i = i + 1; end if expectval error(sprintf('Expected value for parameter ''%s''.', arg)); end Values = [ % dataset info {[]} {[]} {1} % patches {[]} % size of non-overlapping regions (default: [d1,d2,d3]) {[32,32,16]} % size of overlapping region (default: [32,32,16]) {[32,32,16]} % minimum size of patch (default: [32,32,16]) {[16,16,5]} % minimum difference between patches (default: [16,16,5]) {50} % upsampling factor for subpixel registration (default: 50) {[4,4,1]} % degree of patches upsampling (default: [4,4,1]) {[3,3,1]} % maximum deviation of patch shift from rigid shift (default: [3,3,1]) {[32,32,16]} % size of overlapping region after upsampling (default: [32,32,16]) {[15,15,5]} % maximum rigid shift in each direction {false} % use phase correlation (good for high SNR) {'FFT'} % method for applying shifts ('FFT', 'linear', 'cubic') % template updating {true} % flag for online template updating (default: true) {100} % length of initial batch (default: 100) {200} % width of each bin (default: 200) {50} % number of local means to keep in memory (default: 50) {{'median';'mean'}} % method for averaging the template (default: {'median';'mean'} {1} % number of data passes (default: 1) {'copy'} % method of boundary treatment (default: 'copy') % misc {0} % add dc value to data (default: 0) {false} % for each frame, update patches in parallel (default: false) {false} % flag for saving memory mapped motion corrected file (default: false) {'motion_corrected.mat'} % name for memory mapped file (default: 'motion_corrected.mat') {1000} % batch size used during memory mapping for faster mapping {1} % flag for printing progress to command line (default: true) % plotting {false} % flag for plotting results in real time (default: false) {false} % flag for making movie (default: false) {'motion_corrected.avi'} % name for movie (default: 'motion_corrected.avi') {30} % frame rate for movie (default: 30) % output_type {'mat'} {'mov'} {'motion_corrected.h5'} {'motion_corrected.tif'} {''} % use_windowing {false} {0.5} % bitsize for reading .raw files {2} % offset from bidirectional sampling {true} {50} {10} {[]} ]; for j = 1:m if eval(['isempty(options.' Names(j,:) ')']) eval(['options.' Names(j,:) '= Values{j};']); end end if ~isempty(options.output_filename) out_type = options.output_type; [filepath,name,~] = fileparts(options.output_filename); output_filename = fullfile(filepath,name); if strcmpi(options.h5_filename,'motion_corrected.h5') && (strcmpi(out_type,'h5') || strcmpi(out_type,'hdf5')) options.h5_filename = [output_filename,'.h5']; end if strcmpi(options.tiff_filename,'motion_corrected.tif') && (strcmpi(out_type,'tif') || strcmpi(out_type,'tiff')) options.tiff_filename = [output_filename,'.tif']; end end if isempty(options.d1); options.d1 = input('What is the total number of rows? \n'); end if isempty(options.d2); options.d2 = input('What is the total number of columns? \n'); end %if options.d3 == 1; nd = 2; else nd = 3; end if isempty(options.grid_size); options.grid_size = [options.d1,options.d2,options.d3]; end if length(options.grid_size) == 1; options.grid_size = options.grid_size*ones(1,3); end if length(options.grid_size) == 2; options.grid_size(3) = 1; end if length(options.min_patch_size) == 1; options.min_patch_size = options.min_patch_size*ones(1,3); end if length(options.min_patch_size) == 2; options.min_patch_size(3) = 1; end if length(options.min_diff) == 1; options.min_diff = options.min_diff*ones(1,3); end if length(options.min_diff) == 2; options.min_diff(3) = 1; end if length(options.overlap_pre) == 1; options.overlap_pre = options.overlap_pre*ones(1,3); end if length(options.overlap_pre) == 2; options.overlap_pre(3) = 1; end if length(options.overlap_post) == 1; options.overlap_post = options.overlap_post*ones(1,3); end if length(options.overlap_post) == 2; options.overlap_post(3) = 1; end if length(options.max_shift) == 1; options.max_shift = options.max_shift*ones(1,3); end if length(options.max_shift) == 2; options.max_shift(3) = 1; end if length(options.max_dev) == 1; options.max_dev = options.max_dev*ones(1,3); end if length(options.max_dev) == 2; options.max_dev(3) = 1; end if length(options.mot_uf) == 1; options.mot_uf = options.mot_uf*ones(1,3); end if length(options.mot_uf) == 2; options.mot_uf(3) = 1; end options.mot_uf(options.grid_size >= [options.d1,options.d2,options.d3]) = 1;