function [] = registerVideo(dataloc, vidname, savedir) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Register a video within a directory without memory % Inputs: % - dataloc: the directory where the data is stored % - vidname: Name of the video to be registered % - savedir: the directory where the data is to be written % Output: (none) % - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cd(dataloc) NCparamStruct.gridsize = [300 300; 150 150; 100 100]; NCparamStruct.motuf = [5 5 5]; NCparamStruct.overlap = [64 32 16]; NCparamStruct.maxshift = [200 75 40]; NCparamStruct.interp = 'cubic'; NCparamStruct.max_dev = [200 200 200]; display('Added directories and moved') savename = strcat(savedir, vidname(1:end-3),NCparamStruct.interp, '_registered.h5'); assocdat = strcat(savename(1:end-3), '_associated.mat'); if isempty(dir(assocdat)) iterativeRegistering(vidname, NCparamStruct, savename) else display('Video already registered') end end