------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Title of Dataset: Data from: Structural instability and divergence from conserved residues underlie intracellular retention of mammalian odorant receptors Author Information: Kentaro Ikegami, Claire A. de March, Maira H. Nagai, Soumadwip Ghosh, Matthew Do, Ruchira Sharma, Elise S. Bruguera, Yueyang Eric Lu, Yosuke Fukutani, Nagarajan Vaidehi, Masafumi Yohda, and Hiroaki Matsunami Funded by NIH HM: NIH DC014423 and DC016224 NV: NIH R01-GM097261 -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- Dataset S1.xls This file contains the alignment of OR sequences used to create the consensus ORs for each subfamily. All files are in protein data bank format (.pdb) and require a PDB visualization program in order to view the molecular structure. A list of software programs can be found here: https://www.rcsb.org/pages/thirdparty/molecular_graphics hOR10cons.pdb hOR1cons.pdb hOR51cons.pdb hOR52cons.pdb olfr1226.pdb olfr1228.pdb olfr1234.pdb olfr1239.pdb olfr194.pdb olfr198.pdb olfr204.pdb olfr206.pdb olfr539.pdb olfr541.pdb olfr722.pdb olfr733.pdb