------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Title of Dataset: Low-cost measurement of facemask efficacy for filtering expelled droplets during speech Authors: Fischer, Emma; Fischer, Martin; Grass, David; Henrion, Isaac; Warren, Warren; Westman, Eric Funder: Duke University Associated Publications: Science Advanced 2020. https://advances.sciencemag.org/lookup/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abd3083 -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- This dataset contains movie recordings from droplets passing through a light sheet. The camera recorded scattered light from particles in the laser beam before the speech (~10 s), during speech (~10 s), and for a period of droplet clearing (~20 s). The speech consisted of five repetitions of the phrase “Stay healthy, people.” We tested various masks (Set 1-12), a mask material, and 2 sets of controls with no mask. The nomenclature of the masks during the experiment differed from the names in the manuscript (during the experiment analysis some of the masks were blinded). The set number and name in the publication corresponds to the spoken names and file names according to the table below: Set Name(in paper) SpokenName FileName 1 Surgical Day3_Surgical Set01/Surgical 2 N95 Day3_N95 Set02/N95 3 Knitted Day3_Knitted Set03/Knit 4 PolyProp Day3_Polypropylene Set04/Poly 5 Poly/Cotton Day4_Mask5 Set05/Mask5 6 MaxAT Day4_Mask6 Set06/Mask6 7 Cotton2 Day3_Cotton Set07/Cotton 8 Cotton4 Day4_Mask7 Set08/Mask7 9 Cotton3 Day4_Mask1 Set09/Mask1 10 Cotton1 Day4_Mask2 Set10/Mask2 11 Fleece Day3_NeckFleece Set11/Fleece 12 Bandana Day3_Bandana Set12/Bandana 13 Cotton5 Speaker1_Cotton Set13/Speaker1_Cotton 14 Fitted N95 Speaker1_N95fit Set14/Speaker1_N95Fit 15 Swath Day4_Mask4 Set15/Mask4 (set 13 was Swath, which now is set 15) 16_1 None Day3_NoMask Set14_Run1/None 16_2 None Day4_NoMask Set14_Run2/None SP1 Speaker1 (None, Surgical, Cotton, Bandana) SP2 Speaker2 (None, Surgical, Cotton, Bandana) SP3 Speaker3 (None, Surgical, Cotton, Bandana) SP4 Speaker5 (None, Surgical, Cotton, Bandana) File Format Note: The videos are in mp4 format. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- An operator wears a face mask and speaks into the direction of an expanded laser beam inside a dark enclosure. Droplets that propagate through the laser beam scatter light, which is recorded with a cell phone camera. The frame size was set to 1920 x 1080 pixels, the focal distance to 20 cm, the exposure time to 1/50 s, and the frame rate to 30/s. At this focal distance, each camera pixel recorded an area of 120 µm x 120 µm at the position of the light sheet. The code for analysis of the particle count was written in Mathematica. The source code in Notebook format is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.