# Data and scripts from: A Model-Based Simulation Framework for Coupled Acoustics, Elastodynamics, and Damage with Application to Nano-Pulse Lithotripsy This readme file was generated on 2024-05-26 by Yangyuanchen Liu ## GENERAL INFORMATION * Title of Dataset: Data and scripts from: _A Model-Based Simulation Framework for Coupled Acoustics, Elastodynamics, and Damage with Application to Nano-Pulse Lithotripsy_ * Abstract of the paper: > We develop a model for solid objects surrounded by a fluid that accounts for the possibility of acoustic pressures giving rise to damage on the surface of the solid. The propagation of an acoustic pressure in the fluid domain is modeled by the acoustic wave equation. On the other hand, the response of the solid is described by linear elastodynamics coupled with a gradient damage model, one that is based on a cohesive-type phase-field description of fracture. The interaction between the acoustic pressure and the deformation and damage of the solid are represented by transmission conditions at the fluid-solid interface. The resulting governing equations are discretized using a finite-element/finite-difference method that pays particular attention to the spatial and temporal scales that need to be resolved. Results from model-based simulations are provided for a benchmark problem as well as for recent experiments in nano-pulse lithotripsy. A parametric study is performed to illustrate how damage develops in response to the driving force (magnitude and location of the acoustic source) as a function of the fracture resistance of the solid. The results are shown to be qualitatively consistent with experimental observations for the location and size of the damage fields on the solid surface. A study of limiting cases also suggests that both the threshold for damage and the critical fracture energy are important to consider in order to capture the transition from damage initiation to complete localization. A low-cycle fatigue model is proposed that degrades the fracture resistance of the solid as a function of accumulated tensile strain energy, and it is shown to be capable of capturing damage localization in simulations of multi-pulse nano-pulse lithotripsy. * First Author Information - Name: Yangyuanchen Liu - Institution: Duke University - Email: yangyc.liu@duke.edu * Principal Investigator Information - Name: John Dolbow - Institution: Duke University - Email: john.dolbow@duke.edu * Date of data collection: 2024-05-26 * Geographic location of data collection: Durham, NC 27707, USA * Links to publications that cite or use the data: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2023.112626 * Format: CSV for line plots, Exodus for FEM contour plots ## SHARING INFORMATION Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC BY 4.0 ## DATA & FILE OVERVIEW This repository contains the data and scripts used to generate the plots for the results presented in Sections 4 and 5 of the paper. For line plots, use the corresponding scripts in `./scripts/` to generate the figures, the generated figures are stored in `./figs/`. For FEM results, use [Paraview](https://www.paraview.org/) `5.12.0` to view Exodus files in `./exodus/`. ### Line plots Format: CSV Each csv contains plot-over-line data of the computation domain at a selected time step, including a header illustrates the columns. In description: - `t`: time - `h`: mesh size - `sd/SD`: standoff distance - `np`: number of pulses - `p`: pressure - `psie`: strain energy density - `psic`: nucleation energy - `gc`: energy release rate | Figure | Data | Scripts | Description | | ------ | --------------- | -------------------- | ----------------------- | | 5 | `/line/fig5/` | `/scripts/fig5.py` | `t{t/T}.csv` | | 6a | `/line/fig6/` | `/scripts/fig6a.py` | `t{t/T}.csv` | | 6b | `/line/fig6/` | `/scripts/fig6b.py` | `t{t/T}.csv` | | 7a | `/line/fig7/` | `/scripts/fig7a.py` | `t1.575.csv` | | 7b | `/line/fig7/` | `/scripts/fig7b.py` | `t1.575.csv` | | 8 | `/line/fig8/` | `/scripts/fig8.py` | `h{L/h}.csv` | | 11a | / | `/scripts/fig11a.py` | analytical | | 11b | `/line/fig11b/` | `/scripts/fig11b.py` | `t{t/T}.csv` | | 13a | `/line/fig13/` | `/scripts/fig13a.py` | `t0.675.csv` | | 13b | `/line/fig13/` | `/scripts/fig13b.py` | `t0.675.csv` | | 14a | `/line/fig14/` | `/scripts/fig14a.py` | `t{t/T}.csv` | | 14b | `/line/fig14/` | `/scripts/fig14b.py` | `t{t/T}.csv` | | 15a | `/line/fig15a/` | `/scripts/fig15a.py` | `sd{SD/R}_{step}.csv` | | 15b | `/line/fig15b/` | `/scripts/fig15b.py` | `sd{SD/R}_{step}.csv` | | 16a | `/line/fig16/` | `/scripts/fig16a.py` | `sd{SD/R}_{step}.csv` | | 16b | `/line/fig16/` | `/scripts/fig16b.py` | `sd{SD/R}_{step}.csv` | | 17a | `/line/fig17/` | `/scripts/fig17a.py` | `p_max.csv` | | 17b | `/line/fig17/` | `/scripts/fig17b.py` | `p_max.csv` | | 18a | `/line/fig18/` | `/scripts/fig18a.py` | `psie_max.csv` | | 18b | `/line/fig18/` | `/scripts/fig18b.py` | `psie_max.csv` | | 20a | `/line/fig20/` | `/scripts/fig20a.py` | `gc_max.csv` | | 20b | `/line/fig20/` | `/scripts/fig20b.py` | `gc_max.csv` | | 21 | `/line/fig21/` | `/scripts/fig21.py` | `np_{pulse}.csv` | | 22a | `/line/fig22/` | `/scripts/fig22a.py` | `psic{psic}_gc{gc}.csv` | | 22b | `/line/fig22/` | `/scripts/fig22b.py` | `psic{psic}_gc{gc}.csv` | | 23a | `/line/fig22/` | `/scripts/fig23a.py` | `np_{pulse}.csv` | | 23b | `/line/fig22/` | `/scripts/fig23b.py` | `np_{pulse}.csv` | ### FEM contour plots Format: Exodus FEM result file In description: - `sd/SD`: standoff distance - `psie_active`: active strain energy density - `p`: pressure | Figure | Data | Description | | ------ | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | 12a-c | `/exodus/fig12/` | `psie_active` in solid domain, `p` in fluid domain | | 19a | `/exodus/fig19a/` | `d` in solid domain | | 19b | `/exodus/fig19b/` | `d` in solid domain |