Description ----------- Configurational entropy s_conf as a function of inverse reduced pressure 1/Z. This plot contains two estimates of s_conf based on the PTS length, using different values of the theta exponent: theta=2 and theta=3/2 (see main text). Notes: - deltaQ = Q_{high} - Q_{low} = 0.8 - 0.05 = 0.75 - xi0 = 2.0 and xi0prime = 2.1 are prefactors entering the PTS-based calculation of s_conf (see text) - smix = 1.98 is the mixing entropy Files ----- - Gnuplot script to produce this figure - Default parameters and constants for gnuplot scripts - s_config_modBMCSL_plus_linear_fit.dat description: extrapolation of the configurational entropy S_conf from the Frenkel-Ladd method as a function of packing fraction phi columns: phi, S_conf - cavityPTS.dat description: cavity point-to-set correlation length xi as a function of reduced pressure Z and packing fraction phi columns: phi, xi, std, Z - sconf_N1000_Z.dat description: configurational entropy S_conf from the Frenkel-Ladd method as a function of packing fraction phi and pressure Z columns: phi, Z, S_conf note: S_conf does not include the mixing entropy S_mix - epsilon_VQ.dat description: configurational entropy as a function of Z from the Franz-Parisi method columns: Z, epsilon*, V_{high}-V_{low}=V(Q=0.8)-V(Q=0.05)