function [filtvid] = okadaFilterVideo(video) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Performs an 2D okada filter described in: % Inputs: % - video: the input video to be filtered. Can also be an image % Output: % - filtvid: the filtered video %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [d1 d2 d3] = size(video); % Reshape the video to improve the speed linvideo = double(reshape(video, [d1*d2 d3])); alpha = 1e8; linvideoF(:, 1) = linvideo(:, 1); indblock = 1:d1*d2; indblock = reshape(indblock, [d1 d2]); % Circularly shift the indexes so that it's easier to specify the values desired for the % 2D okada filter in the for loop. Then convert back to a vector. indu = reshape(circshift(indblock, -1, 2), [d1*d2 1]); indd = reshape(circshift(indblock, 1, 2), [d1*d2 1]); indr = reshape(circshift(indblock, 1, 1), [d1*d2 1]); indl = reshape(circshift(indblock, -1, 1), [d1*d2 1]); % Calculate the filtered values for fn = 1:d3 frame = linvideo(:, fn); T1n = frame(indu)+frame(indd)-2*frame; T1d = 2*(1+exp(-alpha.*(frame-frame(indu)).*(frame-frame(indd)))); T2n = frame(indr)+frame(indl)-2*frame; T2d = 2*(1+exp(-alpha.*(frame-frame(indr)).*(frame-frame(indl)))); linvideoF(:, fn) = frame+(T1n./T1d+T2n./T2d)./2; end % Reshape to the original dimensions filtvid = reshape(linvideoF, [d1 d2 size(linvideoF, 2)]); end