% ------------------------------- % this script plots fig 8c % ------------------------------- %% f1=0.1, f2=1.3224 ----------------------------------- % load data DBI = load('solubilityDBI_f1_0.1_f2_1.3224.dat'); DBN = load('solubilityDBN_f1_0.1_f2_1.3224.dat'); % load DBI packing fraction and temperature data phiDBI = DBI(:,1); tempDBI = DBI(:,2); % sort data [tempDBI, I] = sort(tempDBI); phiDBI = phiDBI(I); % spline interpolation for smoothing X = (min(tempDBI):0.001:max(tempDBI)); Vq = interp1(tempDBI,phiDBI,X,'spline'); % load DBN packing fraction and temperature data phiDBN = DBN(:,1); tempDBN = DBN(:,2); % plot data plot(phiDBN, tempDBN,'--','color',[0.55,0.8,0.92], 'lineWidth',2); hold on; plot(Vq, X,'color',[0.55,0.8,0.92], 'lineWidth',2); %% f1=0.4, f2=1.2150 ----------------------------------- % load data DBI = load('solubilityDBI_f1_0.4_f2_1.2150.dat'); DBN = load('solubilityDBN_f1_0.4_f2_1.2150.dat'); % load DBI packing fraction and temperature data phiDBI = DBI(:,1); tempDBI = DBI(:,2); % sort data [tempDBI, I] = sort(tempDBI); phiDBI = phiDBI(I); % spline interpolation for smoothing X = (min(tempDBI):0.001:max(tempDBI)); Vq = interp1(tempDBI,phiDBI,X,'spline'); % load DBN packing fraction and temperature data phiDBN = DBN(:,1); tempDBN = DBN(:,2); % plot data plot(Vq, X,'color',[204/255,102/255,119/255], 'lineWidth',2); hold on; plot(phiDBN, tempDBN,'--','color',[204/255,102/255,119/255],'linewidth',2); %% f1=1, f2=1 ----------------------------------- % load data DBI = load('solubilityDBI_c4_f1.dat'); DBN = load('solubilityDBN_c4_f1.dat'); % load DBI packing fraction and temperature data phiDBI = DBI(:,1); tempDBI = DBI(:,2); % sort data [tempDBI, I] = sort(tempDBI); phiDBI = phiDBI(I); % remove data points for which T<1.8 I = find(tempDBI>1.8); tempDBI = tempDBI(I); phiDBI = phiDBI(I); % spline interpolation for smoothing X = (min(tempDBI):0.001:max(tempDBI)); Vq = interp1(tempDBI,phiDBI,X,'spline'); % load DBN packing fraction and temperature data phiDBN = DBN(:,1); tempDBN = DBN(:,2); % plot data plot(Vq, X,'k', 'lineWidth',2); hold on; plot(phiDBN, tempDBN,'--k','lineWidth',2); %% f1=1.5, f2=0.8209 ----------------------------------- % load data DBI = load('solubilityDBI_f1_1.5_f2_0.8209.dat'); DBN = load('solubilityDBN_f1_1.5_f2_0.8209.dat'); % load DBI packing fraction and temperature data phiDBI = DBI(:,1); tempDBI = DBI(:,2); % sort data [tempDBI, I] = sort(tempDBI); phiDBI = phiDBI(I); % spline interpolation for smoothing X = (min(tempDBI):0.001:max(tempDBI)); Vq = interp1(tempDBI,phiDBI,X,'spline'); % load DBN packing fraction and temperature data phiDBN = DBN(:,1); tempDBN = DBN(:,2); % plot data plot(Vq, X,'color',[0.11,0.47,0.24], 'lineWidth',2); hold on; plot(phiDBN, tempDBN,'--','color',[0.11,0.47,0.24], 'lineWidth',2); %% figure properties xlim([0,2.5e-3]) ylim([1.4,2.3]) xlabel('\phi'); ylabel('T'); set(gca, 'FontSize',20) legend('f_1=0.1, f_2=1.3224', 'f_1=0.1, f_2=1.3224','f_1=0.4, f_2=1.2150','f_1=0.4, f_2=1.2150','f_1=1, f_2=1','f_1=1, f_2=1','f_1=1,5, f_2=0.8209','FontSize',12,'Location','southeast') saveas(gcf, 'fig8c','epsc');