Description ----------- Plots for the optimization of the translation and the particle size swap move. The relaxation time for the SWAP dynamics tau_alpha^swap as a function of (a) the length of the maximum displacement allowed, (b) the maximum diameter difference while attempting a particle size swap move. File for figSI01a ---------------- -tau4D_N2000_M5_Rmax1.207Rmin0.853SWP0.20phi0.4015.dat The relaxation time for the SWAP dynamics tau_alpha^swap versus the length of the maximum allowed displacement at phi=0.4015 in d=4. Relevant columns: ----------------- 1= the length of the maximum displacement allowed during a translation move, 2= the relaxation time. File for figSI01b ---------------- -tau_alpha.dat The relaxation time for the SWAP dynamics tau_alpha^swap versus the maximum diameter difference while attempting a particle size swap move at phi=0.1865 in d=6. Relevant columns: ----------------- 1= the maximum allowed diameter difference during a swap move, 2= the relaxation time.