Data from: Early life drought predicts components of adult body size in wild female baboons


  • Across taxa, adverse early-life environments such as drought and psychosocial stress are associated with reduced growth and smaller body size in adulthood. However, in wild primates, we know very little about whether and to what extent individuals grow plastically in response to adverse early-life environments. Here, we use parallel-laser photogrammetry to assess inter-individual predictors of body size in a population of wild female baboons studied since birth. Using over 2,000 measurements of 127 females, we present the first cross-sectional growth curve of wild female baboons from juvenescence through adulthood. We then tested whether females exposed to three main sources of early-life adversity - drought, maternal loss, or a cumulative measure of adversity – were smaller for their age compared to females who experienced less adversity. Prolonged early-life drought predicted smaller limb length but not smaller torso length; our other two measures of early-life adversity did not predict differences in body size. We also calculated the first estimates of heritability and maternal effects for body size in a wild primate population. Our results suggest that baboon limbs, but not torsos, grow plastically in response to energetic early-life stress. ... [Read More]

Total Size
5 files (535 KB)
Data Citation
  • Levy, E. J., Lee, A., Siodi, I. L., Helmich, E. C., McLean, E. M., Malone, E. J., Pickard, M. J., Ranjithkumar, R. Tung, J., Archie, E. A., & Alberts, S. C.(2022). Data from: Early life drought predicts components of adult body size in wild female baboons. Duke Research Data Repository.
  • 10.7924/r43r11g2m
Publication Date
  • ark:/87924/r43r11g2m
Collection Dates
  • July 2019 to December 2019
  • Amboseli, Nairobi Area, Kenya
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Funding Agency
  • Duke University
  • National Institute on Aging
  • National Science Foundation
  • University of Notre Dame
Grant Number
  • R01HD088558
  • R01AG071684
  • NSF IOS 1456832
  • R01AG053330
  • P01AG031719
  • R01AG075914
  • NIH R01AG053308
  • Data from: Early life drought predicts components of adult body size in wild female baboons
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