Data from: Impact of hindlimb length variation on jumping dynamics in the Longshanks mouse


  • We collected in vivo measures of locomotor kinematics and force production, in combination with behavioral data and muscle morphology, to examine how changes in bone and muscle structure observed in Longshanks mice affect their hindlimb dynamics during jumping and clambering. Locomotor kinematics collected at 250 fps using AOS S-PRIplus cameras and digitized using ProAnalyst 3D Professional Edition v. (XCitex). Video footage was calibrated in 3D space using a fixture with 96 known points. An AMTI HE6X6 force plate positioned below the platform recorded force data at 1000 Hz calibrated to a global sign convention with the origin at the center of the force plate using the factory 6X12 calibration array (AMTI). Morphological data derived from diffusible-iodine enhanced micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scans were acquired on a SkyScan 1173 micro-CT scanner (Bruker, Kontich, Belgium), at an isotropic resolution of 15.6 Œºm (122 kV, 65 ŒºA) with a 1.0 mm aluminium filter. The dissected specimens were held on a mount designed to keep the limb position constant between individual scans. ... [Read More]

Total Size
4 files (8.26 MB)
Data Citation
  • Bradley-Cronkwright, M., Moore, S., Hou, L., Cote, S., & Rolian C. (2024). Data from: Impact of hindlimb length variation on jumping dynamics in the Longshanks mouse. Duke Research Data Repository.
  • 10.7924/r47088k44
Publication Date
  • ark:/87924/r47088k44
Related Materials
  • Data from: Impact of hindlimb length variation on jumping dynamics in the Longshanks mouse
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