Data and scripts from: The power of the family in times of pandemic: Cross-country evidence from 93 countries


  • COVID-19 caused more serious medical consequences among the elderly, and intergenerational transmission played a key role in COVID-19 infection. We utilized two large-scale multinational surveys to uncover the importance of family ties in infection prevention among 93 countries. We measured country-level family ties with emphasis on respondents' view of their parents using the World Values Survey, and elicited individual health behavior attitudes from a panel study conducted each month between March 2020 and July 2021. We find that in countries with stronger family ties, people show more willingness for non-pharmaceutical interventions and vaccines; moreover, young people are more supportive of mandatory vaccination. The effect of family ties was salient before COVID-19 vaccines became available and was persistent before the global vaccination coverage reached 25%. ... [Read More]

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65 files (276 MB)
Data Citation
  • Gu, M. (2023). Data and scripts from: The power of the family in times of pandemic: Cross-country evidence from 93 countries. Duke Research Data Repository.
  • 10.7924/r49z9c395
Publication Date
  • ark:/87924/r49z9c395
Related Materials
  • Data and scripts from: The power of the family in times of pandemic: Cross-country evidence from 93 countries
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