Data from: Release and reuptake sites for norepinephrine are differently distributed across layers of the primary visual cortex in macaque monkeys


  • Quantitative data representing counts, angle of orientation measurements, length estimates, and brain area volume estimates. Counts, angles, and lengths are for axons from the locus coeruleus visualized using antibodies directed against dopamine beta-hydroxylase or the norepinephrine transporter, with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine HCl as a chromogren. Data was collected from tissue sections containing the primary and secondary visual cortices of adult macaque monkeys. Stereological data were collected using the StereoInvestigator software suite from MBF Biosciences (versions 2019 and 2020).

Total Size
17 files (460 KB)
Data Citation
  • Roach, C., Rios, R., & Disney, A. A. (2025). Data from: Release and reuptake sites for norepinephrine are differently distributed across layers of the primary visual cortex in macaque monkeys. Duke Research Data Repository.
  • 10.7924/r4sq94q1d
Publication Date
  • ark:/87924/r4sq94q1d
Collection Dates
  • 2019-2023
Funding Agency
  • NIH
Grant Number
  • EY029663
  • Data from: Release and reuptake sites for norepinephrine are differently distributed across layers of the primary visual cortex in macaque monkeys
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