Data and scripts from: Actin reorganization throughout the cell cycle mediated by motor proteins


  • Cortical actin networks are highly dynamic and play critical roles in shaping the mechanical properties of cells. The actin cytoskeleton undergoes significant reorganization over the course of the cell cycle, when cortical actin transitions between open patched meshworks, homogeneous distributions, and aligned bundles. Several types of myosin motor proteins, characterized by different kinetic parameters, have been involved in this reorganization of actin filaments. Given the limitations in studying the interactions of actin with myosin \textit{in vivo}, we propose stochastic agent-based model simulations and develop a set of data analysis measures to assess how myosin motor proteins mediate various actin organizations. In particular, we identify individual motor parameters, such as motor binding rate and step size, that generate actin networks with different levels of contractility and different patterns of myosin motor localization. In simulations where two motor populations with distinct kinetic parameters interact with the same actin network, we find that motors may act in a complementary way, by tuning the actin network organization, or in an antagonistic way, where one motor emerges as dominant. This modeling and data analysis framework also uncovers parameter regimes where spatial segregation between motor populations is achieved. By allowing for changes in kinetic rates during the actin-myosin dynamic simulations, our work suggests that certain actin-myosin organizations may require additional regulation beyond mediation by motor proteins in order to reconfigure the cytoskeleton network on experimentally-observed timescales. ... [Read More]

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Data Citation
  • Ciocanel, V. (2021). Data and scripts from: Actin reorganization throughout the cell cycle mediated by motor proteins. Duke Research Data Repository.
  • 10.7924/r4zp43t43
Publication Date
  • ark:/87924/r4zp43t43
Related Materials
  • Data and scripts from: Actin reorganization throughout the cell cycle mediated by motor proteins
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