Data from: Racism, homophobia, and the sexual health of young Black men who have sex with men in the United States: A systematic review


  • This data is underlying a systematic review currently in the publication process. The purpose of this systematic review was to examine the discrimination experiences of YBMSM due to racism and homophobia in the United States and to evaluate the effect of these experiences on their sexual health. Four databases (MEDLINE, CINAHL Complete, APA PsycINFO, and Sociology Source Ultimate) were searched to examine the available qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method studies relevant to the research question. Out of 17 included studies, the majority were qualitative in design and were conducted in urban settings. Racism and homophobia affected YBMSM’s sense of belonging, sexual identity, and sexual partnership choices. Often, masculinity would interact with these two constructs to impact how YBMSM engaged in sexual behavior, such as condomless sex, as well as their likelihood to seek sexual health care. Future research is needed to fully understand the relationships between discrimination and sexual health to develop effective structurally responsive interventions that will help decrease the inequities experienced by YBMSM. ... [Read More]

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7 files (6.32 MB)
Data Citation
  • Janek, S. E., Matos, L. A., Hatoum, S., Mulawa, M. I., Ledbetter, L., & Relf, M. V. (2024). Data from: Racism, homophobia, and the sexual health of young Black men who have sex with men in the United States: A systematic review. Duke Research Data Repository.
  • 10.7924/r4445wz1c
Publication Date
  • ark:/87924/r4445wz1c
  • United States, , United States
Funding Agency
  • Duke University Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
  • National Institutes of Health
  • National Institute of Mental Health
Grant Number
  • F31MH138075 (SEJ)
  • 5P30 AI064518 (MVR)
  • Data from: Racism, homophobia, and the sexual health of young Black men who have sex with men in the United States: A systematic review
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