Data from: Wound healing splinting devices for faster access and use


  • This dataset contains information on silicone wound splinting devices designed for use in excisional wound healing models in mice. The data includes:
    -Specifications for Titanium and aPDMS wound splints of various sizes and shapes
    - Manufacturing methods and materials used to produce the splints
    - Sterilization protocols for the splints
    -Instructions for surgical application of the splints in mouse models
    -Wound healing outcomes data from experiments using the splints, including:
    **Wound closure rates
    **Histological analysis of wound tissues
    **Images and measurements of wounds over time with and without splints applied
    **Data was collected through laboratory experiments conducted at Duke University between 2022-2024.
    Wound measurements were taken using digital Celestron Camera and wound imaging software. Histological samples were processed using standard protocols and analyzed with light microscopy.

    This dataset provides information to enable researchers to reproduce the silicone splint manufacturing process and experimental wound healing model. The wound healing outcome data demonstrates the effects of using the splinting devices compared to non-splinted controls.
    ... [Read More]

Total Size
6 files (1.16 GB)
Data Citation
  • Miller, A. W., Anderson, A., Suarez-Arnedo, A., & Segura, T. (2024). Data from: Wound healing splinting devices for faster access and use. Duke Research Data Repository.
  • 10.7924/r4rn3ct2v
Publication Date
  • ark:/87924/r4rn3ct2v
Collection Dates
  • 2022-2024
Related Materials
Funding Agency
  • National Institute of Health
Grant Number
  • No. R01AI152568
  • Data from: Wound healing splinting devices for faster access and use
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