Laudicina, C. C., Charbonneau, P., Hu, Y., Janssen, L., Morse, P. K., Pihlajamaa, I., & Szamel, G. (2024). Data from: Simple fluctuations in simple glass formers. Duke Research Data Repository.
Charbonneau, P., Hu, Y., & Morse, P. (2024). Data from: Dynamics and fluctuations of minimally-structured glass formers. Duke Research Data Repository.
Folena, G., Biroli, G., Charbonneau, P., Hu, Y., Zamponi, F. (2022). Data from: Equilibrium fluctuations in mean-field disordered models. Duke Research Data Repository.
Charbonneau, P., Kundu, J., Morse, P.K., Hu, Y. (2022). Data from: The dimensional evolution of structure and dynamics in hard sphere liquids. Duke Research Data Repository.
Charbonneau, P., Folena, G., Hu, Y., & Zamponi, F. (2022). Data and scripts from: Local dynamical heterogeneity in simple glass formers. Duke Research Data Repository.
Hu, Y. & Charbonneau, P. (2021). Data and scripts from: Numerical transfer matrix study of frustrated next-nearest-neighbor Ising models on square lattices. Duke Research Data Repository.