Charbonneau, P. & Hu, Y. (2021). Data and scripts from: Resolving the two-dimensional ANNNI model using transfer matrices. Duke Research Data Repository.
Biroli, G., Charbonneau, P., Corwin, E. I., Hu, Y., Ikeda, H., Szamel, G., & Zamponi, F. (2021). Data and Scripts from: Interplay between percolation and glassiness in the random Lorentz gas. Duke Research Data Repository.
Charbonneau, P. & Morse, P. (2021). Data From: Memory formation in jammed hard spheres. Duke Research Data Repository.
Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., & Kundu, J. (2020). Data from: Finite-dimensional vestige of spinodal criticality above the dynamical glass transition. Duke Research Data Repository.
Kundu, J., & Charbonneau, P. (2020). Data From: Postponing the dynamical transition density using competing interactions. Duke Research Data Repository.
Flenner, E., Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., & Fullerton, C. (2019). Data from: Front-mediated melting of isotropic ultrastable glasses. Duke Digital Repository.
Altan, I., James, S., Khan, A., Quinn, M., Charbonneau, P., & McManus, J. (2019). Data and scripts from: Using Schematic Models to Understand the Microscopic Basis for Inverted Solubility in gammaD-crystallin. Duke Digital Repository.
Khan, A., James, S., Quinn, M., Altan, I., Charbonneau, P., & McManus, J. (2019). Data and scripts from: temperature-dependent interactions explain normal and inverted solubility in a γD-crystallin mutant. Duke Digital Repository.
Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., Ninarello, A., Ozawa, M., & Yaida, S. (2019). Data and scripts from: Zero-temperature glass transition in two dimensions. Duke Digital Repository.
Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., Kundu, J. (2019). Data and scripts from: Bypassing sluggishness: SWAP algorithm and glassiness in high dimensions. Duke Digital Repository.