Charbonneau, P., Corwin, E., Parisi, G., Poncet, A., Zamponi, F. (2016). Data and scripts from: Universal non-Debye scaling in the density of states of amorphous solids.
Zhuang, Y. and Charbonneau, P. (2016). Data and scripts from: Equilibrium phase behavior of the square-well linear microphase-forming model. Duke Digital Repository.
Hu, Y., Charbonneau, P. (2018). Data and Scripts from: Clustering and assembly dynamics of a one-dimensional microphase former. Duke Digital Repository.
Hu, Y., Fu, L., Charbonneau, P. (2018). Data, generating scripts and figures from: Correlation lengths in quasi-one-dimensional systems via transfer matrices. Duke Digital Repository.
Pham, A. T., Zhuang, Y., Detwiler, P., Socolar, J.E.S., Charbonneau, P., Yellen, B. (2017). Data and scripts from: Phase diagram and aggregation dynamics of a monolayer of paramagnetic colloids. Duke Digital Repository.
Zhuang, Y. and Charbonneau, P. (2017). Data and scripts from: Microphase equilibrium and assembly dynamics. Duke Digital Repository.
Charbonneau, P., Altan, I., Fusco, D., Afonine, P.V. (2018). Data and scripts from: Learning about biomolecular solvation from water in protein crystals. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi:10.7924/r4bg2mc23
Zhuang, Y. and Charbonneau, P. (2018). Data and scripts from: Equilibrium phase behavior of the square-well linear microphase-forming model. Duke Digital Repository. V2
Altan, I., & Charbonneau, P. (2019). Data and scripts from: Obtaining soft matter models of proteins and their phase behavior. Duke Digital Repository.
Fu, L., Steinhardt, W., Zhao, Y., Socolar, J.E.S., and Charbonneau, P. (2017). Data and scripts from: Hard sphere packings within cylinders. Duke Digital Repository.
Fu, L., Bian, C., Shields, W., Cruz, D., Lopez, G., Charbonneau, P. (2017). Data and scripts from: Assembly of hard spheres in a cylinder: a computational and experimental study. Duke Digital Repository.
How can an amorphous material be rigid? Glass – the prototypical and ubiquitous amorphous solid – inhabits an incredibly ramified and complex energy landscape, which presumably underlies its rigidity. But how? Dealing with so many relevant energy minima and the ensuing far-from-equilibrium dynamics has emerged as one of the central problems in statistical physics. Tackling it requires new tools and concepts. The Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem, addressing such fundamental issues as disorder, nonlinear response and far-from-equilibrium dynamics, builds upon three powerful approaches: the study of marginal stability at jamming, the mean-field theory of glasses in infinite dimension, and the dynamics of systems in complex landscapes. The convergence of recent breakthroughs in these areas generates a unique opportunity to come to grips with these three outstanding and intimately related challenges. This collection of datasets is associated with publications from the Charbonneau group and their collaborators as part of the Simons collaboration.
Charbonneau, P. and Yaida, S. (2016). Data and scripts from: Nontrivial critical fixed point for replica-symmetry-breaking transitions. Duke Digital Repository.
Altan, I., James, S., Khan, A., Quinn, M., Charbonneau, P., & McManus, J. (2019). Data and scripts from: Using Schematic Models to Understand the Microscopic Basis for Inverted Solubility in gammaD-crystallin. Duke Digital Repository.
Zheng, M., & Charbonneau, P. (2021). Data and scripts from: Characterization and efficient Monte Carlo sampling of disordered microphases. Duke Research Data Repository.
Charbonneau, B., Charbonneau, P., Szamel, G. (2018). Data from: A microscopic model of the Stokes-Einstein Relation in arbitrary dimension. Duke Digital Repository.
Berthier, L.; Charbonneau, P.; Flenner, E.; Zamponi, F. (2017). Data and scripts from: The origin of ultrastability in vapor-deposited glasses. Duke Digital Repository.
Charbonneau, P., Li, Y. (C.), Pfister, H. D., & Yaida, S. (2017). Cycle-expansion method for the Lyapunov exponent, susceptibility, and higher moments. Duke Digital Repository.
Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., Coslovich, D., Ninarello, A., Ozawa, M., Yaida, S. (2017). Data and scripts from: Configurational entropy measurements in extremely supercooled liquids that break the glass ceiling. Duke Digital Repository.
Yaida, S., Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., Tarjus, G. (2016). Data and scripts from: Point-to-set lengths, local structure, and glassiness. Duke Digital Repository.