Kastenholz, H. V., Topper, M. I. , Warren, W. S. , Fischer, M. C., & Grass, D. (2024). Data and scripts from: Noninvasive identification of carbon-based black pigments with pump-probe microscopy. Duke Research Data Repository. V2 https://doi.org/10.7924/r48059m9k
Bonnet, G., Charbonneau, P., & Folena, G. (2023). Data and scripts from: Glass-like caging with random planes. Duke Research Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4gx4hm10
Jin, Y., & Charbonneau, P. (2023). Data and scripts from: Dimensional study of the dynamical arrest in a random Lorentz gas. Duke Research Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r47m0gq90
Morse, P., & Charbonneau, P. (2023). Data and scripts from: Jamming, relaxation, and memory in a minimally structured glass former. Duke Research Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4th8qc0b
Wang, S., Hu, Y., Kouznetsova, T. B., Sapir, L., Chen, D., Herzog-Arbeitman, A., Johnson, J. A., Rubinstein, M., & Craig, S. L. (2023). Data from: Facile Mechanochemical Cycloreversion of Polymer Cross-linkers Enhances Tear Resistance. Duke Research Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r43r1215n
Zheng, M., Tarzia, M., Charbonneau, P. (2022). Data and scripts from: Weakening the critical dynamical slowing down of models with SALR interactions. Duke Research Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4vh5q02j
Mahler, A., Williams, J.Z., Su, N.Q., Yang, W. (2022): Data and scripts from: Localized orbital scaling correction for periodic systems. Duke Research Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4s75hv98
Charbonneau, P., Kundu, J., Morse, P.K., Hu, Y. (2022). Data from: The dimensional evolution of structure and dynamics in hard sphere liquids. Duke Research Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4p270q6x
Charbonneau, P., Morse, P. K., Perkins, W., & Zamponi, F. (2021). Data from: Three simple scenarios for high-dimensional sphere packings. Duke Research Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r40z78x37
Charbonneau, P., Gish, C., Hoy, R. & Morse, P. (2021). Data from: thermodynamic stability of hard sphere crystals in dimensions 3 through 10. Duke Research Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4jh3mw3w
Charbonneau, P. & Tarzia, M. (2021). Data from: Solution of disordered microphases in the Bethe approximation. Duke Research Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r42v2m409
Zheng, M., & Charbonneau, P. (2021). Data and scripts from: Characterization and efficient Monte Carlo sampling of disordered microphases. Duke Research Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4w37th8b
How can an amorphous material be rigid? Glass – the prototypical and ubiquitous amorphous solid – inhabits an incredibly ramified and complex energy landscape, which presumably underlies its rigidity. But how? Dealing with so many relevant energy minima and the ensuing far-from-equilibrium dynamics has emerged as one of the central problems in statistical physics. Tackling it requires new tools and concepts. The Simons Collaboration on Cracking the Glass Problem, addressing such fundamental issues as disorder, nonlinear response and far-from-equilibrium dynamics, builds upon three powerful approaches: the study of marginal stability at jamming, the mean-field theory of glasses in infinite dimension, and the dynamics of systems in complex landscapes. The convergence of recent breakthroughs in these areas generates a unique opportunity to come to grips with these three outstanding and intimately related challenges. This collection of datasets is associated with publications from the Charbonneau group and their collaborators as part of the Simons collaboration.
Flenner, E., Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., & Fullerton, C. (2019). Data from: Front-mediated melting of isotropic ultrastable glasses. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4542pd2c
Altan, I., James, S., Khan, A., Quinn, M., Charbonneau, P., & McManus, J. (2019). Data and scripts from: Using Schematic Models to Understand the Microscopic Basis for Inverted Solubility in gammaD-crystallin. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4fq9v942
Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., Ninarello, A., Ozawa, M., & Yaida, S. (2019). Data and scripts from: Zero-temperature glass transition in two dimensions. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r46w9b248
Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., Kundu, J. (2019). Data and scripts from: Bypassing sluggishness: SWAP algorithm and glassiness in high dimensions. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r49w0dr6j
Charbonneau, P., Hu, Y., Raju, A., Sethna, J., & Yaida, S. (2019). Data and scripts from: Morphology of renormalization-group flow for the de Almeida–Thouless–Gardner universality class. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4zc7wm7d
Charbonneau, P., Corwin, E. I., Fu, L., Tsekenis, G., & van der Naald, M. (2019). Data and scripts from: Glassy, Gardner-like phenomenology in minimally polydisperse crystalline systems. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4k93500n
Birolo, G., Charbonneau, P., & Hu, Y. (2019). Data and scripts from: Dynamics around the Site Percolation Threshold on High-Dimensional Hypercubic Lattices. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4571cf37
Altan, I., & Charbonneau, P. (2019). Data and scripts from: Obtaining soft matter models of proteins and their phase behavior. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4ww7bs1p
Zhuang, Y. and Charbonneau, P. (2018). Data and scripts from: Equilibrium phase behavior of the square-well linear microphase-forming model. Duke Digital Repository. V2 https://doi.org/10.7924/r42z16837
Charbonneau, P. and Yaida, S. (2018). Data and scripts from: Nontrivial critical fixed point for replica-symmetry-breaking transitions. Duke Digital Repository. V2 https://doi.org/10.7924/r4cf9ns11
Charbonneau, P., Corwin, E. I., Parisi, G., Poncet, A., Zamponi, F. (2018). Data and scripts from: Universal non-Debye scaling in the density of states of amorphous solids. Duke Digital Repository. V2 https://doi.org/10.7924/r4j67dg2z
Charbonneau, P., Dyer, E., Lee, J., Yaida, S. (2016). Data and scripts from: Linking dynamical heterogeneity to static amorphous order. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/doi:10.7924/G8VD6WC5
Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., Jin, Y., Parisi, G., Seoane, B., Zamponi, F. (2016). Data and scripts from: Growing timescales and lengthscales characterizing vibrations of amorphous solids. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/doi:10.7924/G8QN64NT
Yaida, S., Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., Tarjus, G. (2016). Data and scripts from: Point-to-set lengths, local structure, and glassiness. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/doi:10.7924/G8BG2KWP
Charbonneau, P., Altan, I., Fusco, D., Afonine, P.V. (2018). Data and scripts from: Learning about biomolecular solvation from water in protein crystals. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi:10.7924/r4bg2mc23
Berthier, L., Charbonneau, P., Coslovich, D., Ninarello, A., Ozawa, M., Yaida, S. (2017). Data and scripts from: Configurational entropy measurements in extremely supercooled liquids that break the glass ceiling. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/G8ZG6Q9T
Hu, Y., Charbonneau, P. (2018). Data and Scripts from: Clustering and assembly dynamics of a one-dimensional microphase former. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r41n81s8j
Zhuang, Y. and Charbonneau, P. (2017). Data and scripts from: Microphase equilibrium and assembly dynamics. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/G8JH3J7B
Charbonneau, P., Li, Y. (C.), Pfister, H. D., & Yaida, S. (2017). Cycle-expansion method for the Lyapunov exponent, susceptibility, and higher moments. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/G88050N6
Berthier, L.; Charbonneau, P.; Flenner, E.; Zamponi, F. (2017). Data and scripts from: The origin of ultrastability in vapor-deposited glasses. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/G8P26W5G
Pham, A. T., Zhuang, Y., Detwiler, P., Socolar, J.E.S., Charbonneau, P., Yellen, B. (2017). Data and scripts from: Phase diagram and aggregation dynamics of a monolayer of paramagnetic colloids. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/doi:10.7924/G86H4FBQ
Hu, Y., Fu, L., Charbonneau, P. (2018). Data, generating scripts and figures from: Correlation lengths in quasi-one-dimensional systems via transfer matrices. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4mk68m43
Fu, L., Bian, C., Shields, W., Cruz, D., Lopez, G., Charbonneau, P. (2017). Data and scripts from: Assembly of hard spheres in a cylinder: a computational and experimental study. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/doi:10.7924/G82Z13F1
Fu, L., Steinhardt, W., Zhao, Y., Socolar, J.E.S., and Charbonneau, P. (2017). Data and scripts from: Hard sphere packings within cylinders. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/G8SF2T3Z
Charbonneau, B., Charbonneau, P., Szamel, G. (2018). Data from: A microscopic model of the Stokes-Einstein Relation in arbitrary dimension. Duke Digital Repository. https://doi.org/10.7924/r4x061q6f