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Simha, A. & Wright, J. P. (2023). Data and scripts from: Short-term fire frequency manipulation alters community and population responses to subsequent fires in a Southeastern pine savanna. Duke Research Data Repository. V2
Simha, A., Coughlin, A., Anderson, S. M., DeLaMater, D., Thayer, E., Wong, R. J., Wright, J. P. (2023). Data and scripts from: "This is fine": form, function, and fire risk predict key dimensions of flammability in fire-adapted longleaf pine savanna. Duke Research Data Repository.
Simha, A. & Wright, J. P. (2023). Data and scripts from: Short-term fire frequency manipulation alters community and population responses to subsequent fires in a Southeastern pine savanna. Duke Research Data Repository.
Lerch, B. Abbott, K., Archie, E., & Alberts, S. (2021). Data from: Better baboon breakups: collective decision theory of complex social network fissions. Duke Research Data Repository. V5